The source repository of this website can be found on GitHub.

The problem described on this website is also documented as an issue on the quarto-cli GitHub repository.


Quarto HTML document does not display image downloaded from a publicly accessible cloud share provider (here: Keeper).


Here is the link to the Keeper logo:

I can embed it in Markdown using the ![]() Markdown syntax:


Here is the link to the same logo, stored in a Keeper library:

Again, I want to embed it in Markdown using the direct download link:


Can you see the logo?

No, right?

But the same thing works for the on GitHub …

Keeper Image

… and also for the link provided to the image field in the YAML header when using the About Pages template.


Workaround: Pre-render

One workaround is to execute a script that downloads images from the cloud storage as part of the pre-render options in Quarto.

Here is one approach:

  1. We create a Makefile command prepare that uses wget to download the image from Keeper:
  wget -O KeeperLogo.svg
  1. We include pre-render: make prepare in _quarto.yml

  2. We include a path to the downloaded file:


This is the outcome:

Cool! 🎉