- Git branching
- Mastering Markdown
- „What are the best git branching strategies“ by Rowan Haddad
- „Git around the world“ by Cosima Meyer
Lists of Git resources¶
- Git/GitHub links by the MRC Cognition and Brain Sciences Unit at University of Cambridge
- Oh Shit Git!
Git Tutorials¶
- "Version Control with Git" by Software Carpentry
- "Git for humans" - slides by Alice Bartlett
- Git / GitHub resources by the MRC Cognition and Brain Sciences Unit at University of Cambridge
- "A Friendly Github Intro Workshop" by Kirstie Jane
- "Data Science for Economists - Lecture 2: Version control with Git(Hub)" by Grant McDermott
- "Happy Git and GitHub for the useR" by Jenny Bryan, the STAT 545 TAs, Jim Hester
- "Version Control with Git" by The Carpentries
- „Become a git guru“ by Atlassian
- GitHub Docs
- „Using Git on your own“ - Chapter 7 of the book „Building software together“ by Greg Wilson
- CodeRefinery Workshop
Git Tips & Tricks¶
- "On undoing, fixing, or removing commits in git" by Seth Robertson
- "Oh Shit, Git"
- "Removing sensitive data from a repository" by GitHub Docs
- "How to Write a Git Commit Message" by Chris Beams
- "Keeping a fork up to date"- Gist
- "Renaming a file using the command line" by GitHub Docs
- "What should I do about user-specific config files (example: .idea/)?" - Discussion on StackOverflow
- How to show untracked file
git status —untracked-files
Analogies of git add
and git commit
One way to think about this is that
git add
puts things in a box to be shipped, whilegit commit
actually sends the package. —- from „Using Git on your own“ - Chapter 7 of the book „Building software together“ by Greg Wilson
Other resources¶
Last update: 2022-10-19