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Recording the Activity of "Place Cells" in a Rat

On the left you can see the activity of 10 hippocampal "place cells" as a rat moves from one arm to another in a maze. Each cell's activity is shown with a line next to the cell number and a dot on the track where it happened, as well as a "pop" sound. At the end you can see that a number of "place cells" light up altogether as the animal quickly recalls the route it has just traversed.

Morphology of Memory: The Anatomy of the Human Hippocampus

The hippocampus is a part of the brain known to be critical for learning and memory. It is made up of many interconnected regions with distinct characteristics. This introductory animation accompanies a web-based, 3D interactive resource teaching the anatomy of the human hippocampus and designed to help graduate students and scientists better understand its 3D structure.

Morphology of Memory: The Anatomy of the Human Hippocampus from Alisa Brandt on Vimeo.

Sonification of hippocampal ensemble activity during experience

Visuals show action potentials ("spikes") of ~50 simultaneously recorded neurons from the hippocampus as one of our subjects runs a single trial on a T-maze. Neurons are arranged one per line, according to the order of their peak average firing rate along the track. Average firing fields are shown on the left; note that the neurons arranged at the bottom have firing fields near the left (start), and neurons at the top have firing fields near the right (end).

Last update: 2022-10-19