Introduction to DataLad - Talk by Dr. Adina Wagner
Session 13
- Title: “DataLad - Decentralized Management of Digital Objects for Open Science” (see abstract)
- Speaker: Dr. Adina Wagner
- Date: Friday, 26th of January 2024
- Time: 10:15 to 11:45 am (90 minutes)
- Place: Hybrid (registration details below)
- In person at Von-Melle-Park 5, 20146 Hamburg, William Stern Room (Room 4054)
- Zoom (details will be send after registration)
- Language: English
- Context: Part of the course “Version Control of Code & Data”
- Thanks: Supported by the the Digital & Data Literacy in Teaching Lab
- Registration: To register, please send an email to the organizer Dr. Lennart Wittkuhn
DataLad - Decentralized Management of Digital Objects for Open Science
With a general awareness of a reproducibility crisis in many scientific areas and increasing importance of research data management in science and policy making, data-driven fields require convenient and scalable data management solutions. Standing on the shoulders of Git and git-annex (, Joey Hess), DataLad provides a decentralized solution that enables the joint management of code, data, and complete containerized computational environments in a scalable and distributed fashion. With features such as unambiguous version control, a wide spectrum of data transport mechanisms, convenient provenance capture, and re-execution for verification or as an alternative to storage and transport, it enables and facilitates many aspects of open and reproducible science: collaboration, sharing, analytical transparency, computational reproducibility of digital research objects, and disk-space aware storage and computing workflows on infrastructure that ranges from personal laptops up to supercomputers.
What is DataLad?
Announcement Email
Dear all,
we cordially invite you to a hybrid talk by Dr. Adina Wagner on “DataLad - Decentralized Management of Digital Objects for Open Science”.
- Date: Friday, 26th of January 2024
- Time: 10:15 to 11:45 am (90 minutes)
- Place: Hybrid, in person at Von-Melle-Park 5, 20146 Hamburg, William Stern Room (Room 4054) and via Zoom
- Registration: To register, please send an email to the organizer Dr. Lennart Wittkuhn. Please indicate whether you would like to join in-person or online.
- Details: For more information, please visit the event website
The link to the Zoom meeting will be sent to all registered participants a few days before the event.
The talk is part of the course on “Version Control of Code & Data”, generously supported by the Digital & Data Literacy in Teaching Lab program at University of Hamburg.
With a general awareness of a reproducibility crisis in many scientific areas and increasing importance of research data management in science and policy making, data-driven fields require convenient and scalable data management solutions. Standing on the shoulders of Git and git-annex (, Joey Hess), DataLad provides a decentralized solution that enables the joint management of code, data, and complete containerized computational environments in a scalable and distributed fashion. With features such as unambiguous version control, a wide spectrum of data transport mechanisms, convenient provenance capture, and re-execution for verification or as an alternative to storage and transport, it enables and facilitates many aspects of open and reproducible science: collaboration, sharing, analytical transparency, computational reproducibility of digital research objects, and disk-space aware storage and computing workflows on infrastructure that ranges from personal laptops up to supercomputers.