5  Texts, Images, and Tables

5.0.1 Text Formatting

First and foremost, Quarto is a publishing system. Therefore, it has the flexibility to format text in various ways. It is possible to write in visual or source modes. In visual editor no syntax is involved to change the style of text, as opposed to, source. Below you can see the tables that introduce the syntax related to a specific style such as bold, italic, etc. Bold, Italic, and more…

Syntax Output
*Pizza* **never** texts ***back***.
Pizza never texts back.
E=mc^2^ — my ex~2~cuse for eating dessert ~~twice~~ three times!
E=mc2 — my ex2cuse for eating dessert twice three times!
`verbatim code`
verbatim code

5.0.2 Headings

Markdown Output
# Header 1

6 Header 1

## Header 2

6.1 Header 2

### Header 3

6.1.1 Header 3

#### Header 4 Header 4

##### Header 5
Header 5
###### Header 6
Header 6

6.1.3 Tables

To draw a table in Quarto, you should draw a table! Let’s find out with an example:

| Fruits | Animals|  Trees |
| Orange |  Tiger |Sequoia |
| Apple  |Dolphin | Cedar  |
| Banana |  Wolf  | Pine   |
Fruits Animals Trees
Orange Tiger Sequoia
Apple Dolphin Cedar
Banana Wolf Pine

As you see, adding : to the left, right or both sides of the dashes will affect the alignment of a column. For further customization options regarding tables see Quarto’s documentation on tables.

6.1.4 Images

In the simplest form, images can be added to a Quarto document by using:

![Description](image address)

Photo by Michael Baccin on Unsplash

Images can also be turned into links. It is basically combining the syntax of an image and a link together:

[![Description](image address)](Link)

Photo by Kiarash Mansouri on Unsplash

Photo by Kiarash Mansouri on Unsplash

For better accessibility, it is possible and recommended to add alt text to the images.

[![Description](image address){fig-alt="Alt text"}](Link)

A vase with yellow, red, purple and white flowers.

Photo by Anita Austvika on Unsplash