Datalad x UHH Object Storage

How to use the University of Hamburg’s Object Storage as a DataLad special remote

Object Storage
Research Data Management


UHH Object Storage as a DataLad special remote

This section describes how to use the UHH Object Storage as a DataLad special remote.

Instructions may be incomplete!

The instructions below so far only document deviations from the DataLad Handbook walk-through “Amazon S3 as a special remote”

  1. Follow the walk-through “Amazon S3 as a special remote” in the DataLad Handbook
  2. Use the following command when initializing the S3 special remote:
git annex initremote public-s3 type=S3 encryption=none \
bucket=$BUCKET public=yes datacenter=EU \ protocol=https port=443 autoenable=true
  1. Use the following command when auto-enabling the S3 special remote:
git annex enableremote public-s3 \