Teaching Award Psychology 2024

Teaching Award Psychology 2024 of the Institute of Psychology at University of Hamburg in the category “Innovative Teaching Concepts” for my course “Track organize and share your work: An Introduction to Git for research”

Version Control

February 21, 2025

Teaching award winners Patrick Bruns, Vanessa Begemann and Lennart Wittkuhn (from left to right) at the award ceremony. Photo by Maria Lutsch (University of Hamburg). Photo used with permission.

Justification by the Jury

Lennart Wittkuhn has developed a modern and well-thought-out teaching concept for the seminar “Track, organize, and share your work: An introduction to Git for research”, which provides students with important skills for working with digital research data. The focus is on version control with Git and the promotion of reproducible scientific practices. The students work on a hands-on project - the development of a versioned online cookbook - and learn essential techniques for data organization and code management in a playful way. Particularly noteworthy are the impressively detailed and very structured, as well as publicly accessible, online teaching materials, including a specially developed textbook and interactive exercises, which allow participants to engage in flexible and self-directed learning. These materials, the motivation and competence of the instructor, and the inclusive and supportive atmosphere in the seminar were all highly praised by the participants.

Concept Paper

After being nominated for the teaching award by the students and shortlisted for the prize, I was asked to submit a brief concept paper (1-2 pages) for my course. The paper should describe the course concept, providing details on its structure, content, and teaching methods. Additionally, it should explain how the course aligns with key teaching award criteria, particularly student-centeredness and practical relevance. My concept paper can be found here: https://lennartwittkuhn.com/version-control-course-concept/

About the award

More information about the Teaching Award Psychology can be found here.

The Institute of Psychology has been awarding the Teaching Award Psychology for outstanding teaching since 2014. This prize is awarded in three categories, each with a prize of 1,000 euros. The prize money is allocated according to the preference of the awardee, either for personal use or for the department whose teaching staff won the prize, and is freely available to the recipient as material resources within the university’s budget rules. Nominations are automatically made through the course evaluations by the participants.


This project was funded by the Digital and Data Literacy in Teaching Lab (DDLitLab), an initiative by the ISA-Zentrum at the University of Hamburg. The Digital and Data Literacy in Teaching Lab program was in turn funded by the Stiftung Innovation in der Hochschullehre. It is an extension of previous funding received for the development of a course on “Version Control of Code and Data” (for details, see here).