Session 9: GitHub - Collaboration

Track, organize and share your work: An introduction to Git for psychological research

Course at University of Hamburg

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License: CC BY 4.0 DOI

June 03 2024 (12:15 pm)

1 Jobs!

Work with us! Research and teaching assistant positions


P1: Version Control Course

Course on Git for researchers

  • Develop “Version Control Book”
  • Maintain project website
  • Create exercises and quizzes
  • Tools: Git, Quarto

P2: Open Educational Resources

Course on OER for researchers

  • Create new course (website)
  • Create new online guide
  • Conducting interviews
  • Tools: Git, Quarto

Project 3: Digital Research Skills

  • Development of course book
  • Development of project website
  • Creating exercises and quizzes
  • Like Git course
  • Tools: Git, Quarto + new tool(s)
    • “Git for data” (DataLad)
    • Software Containers (Docker)


💰 Salary

  • RA: 13.25 € / hour (SHK) / 15.21 € / hour (WHK)
  • TA: 299.04 € / month (SHK) or 467.20 € / month (WHK)

✉️ Contact

Details about project positions

Position 1: Research Assistant for new course on “Digital Research Skills”

  • 📓 Project: Support development of new course on “Digital Research Skills”
  • 📆 Duration: 01.08.2024 - 30.09.2025 (flexible)
  • 🕐 Time: up to 20 hours / month

Position 2: Research Assistant for new course on “Open Educational Materials”

  • 📓 Project: Create course and manual for “Open Educational Materials” with Quarto and Git
  • 📆 Duration: 15.08.2024 - 31.08.2025 (flexible)
  • 🕐 Time: up to 30 hours / month

Position 3: Teaching Assistant for Version Control Course in WS 24/25

  • 📓 Project: Support international virtual “Version Control Course” with Erasmus University Rotterdam
  • 📆 Duration: 14.10.2024 - 01.02.2025 (WS 24/25)
  • 🕐 Time: ~ 2 hours per week

Position 4: Teaching Assistant for “Open Educational Resources” in WS 24/25

  • 📓 Project: Support course at UHH on creating Open Educational Resources with Git and Quarto
  • 📆 Duration: 14.10.2024 - 01.02.2025 (WS 24/25)
  • 🕐 Time: ~ 2 hours per week

Position 5: Teaching Assistant for “Digital Research Skills” in WS 24/25 or SS24

  • 📓 Project: Support teaching new course on “Digital Research Skills”
  • 📆 Duration: 14.10.2024 - 01.02.2025 (WS 24/25) or 07.04.2025 - 19.07.2025 (SS 24)
  • 🕐 Time: ~ 2 hours per week

2 Schedule


No Date Title Contents Reading Survey/Quiz
1 2024-04-08 Introduction to version control Organisational matters
Overview of seminar sessions
Introduction to version control
Introduction to Git and its advantages
Intro to version control Course introduction Survey
2 2024-04-15 Command line File Systems
Benefits of the Command Line
Basic Command Line commands
Command Line Command Line Quiz
3 2024-04-22 Setup + Git Fundamentals Installation and configuration of Git
Initializing a Git repository
Basic Git commands
Installation, Setup, First steps with Git Installation Survey, Git Basics Quiz
4 2024-04-29 Basic Git workflow Practicing basic Git commands
Ignoring files with .gitignore
Good commit messages
First steps with Git Git Basics Quiz
5 2024-05-06 Git Branching and Merging Understanding branches in Git
Creating and switching between branches
Merging branches
Resolving merge conflicts
Branches Git Branches Quiz
6 2024-05-13 Quarto Workshop Introduction to Quarto
7 2024-05-20 Whit Monday Cancelled
8 2024-05-27 Introduction to GitHub Introduction to remote repositories
Creating a GitHub account
Creating and managing repositories on GitHub
Pushing and pulling changes
GitHub Intro GitHub Quiz
9 2024-06-03 GitHub with collaborators Cloning a remote repository
Branching and merging in a collaborative environment
Pull Requests
GitHub Issues
Graphical User Interfaces (GUIs), e.g., GitKraken
GitHub Intro, GitHub Issues GitHub Quiz
10 2024-06-10 GitHub with the world Forking a remote repository
README files
Project Management
GitHub Intro, GitHub Issues GitHub Quiz
11 2024-06-17 Repetition and Practice Repetition and Practice
12 2024-06-24 Publishing Creating Tags with Git
Creating Releases with GitHub
Using Zenodo for scientific publishing
Citation Files
Tags and Releases
13 2024-07-01 Graphical User Interfaces (cancelled) Repetition and Practice
Introduction to using GUIs
Graphical User Interfaces
14 2024-07-08 Summary & Wrap-Up Course evaluation
Repetition and Practice
Introduction to using GUIs
Graphical User Interfaces

3 Last session: GitHub - Intro

Last session: GitHub - Intro

Last session’s learning objectives

💡 You can connect your local Git to a remote repository service.
💡 You can create a remote repository.
💡 You can pull and push changes to and from a remote repository.

Questions about the last session?

4 This session’s topic: Github - Collaboration

Today’s topic: GitHub with collaborators

Image from Techdobz

GitHub flow

Image from Sebass van Boxel

This and next session’s learning objectives

💡 You can fork a repository.
💡 You know the purpose and components of a Pull Request.
💡 You can create a Pull Request from a forked repository.
💡 You know how to collaborate using the popular workflow strategy GitHub flow.
💡 You know the purpose and components of a README file.
💡 You can protect your main branch.

Today’s chapter

Your turn

  1. Content Review: Read the chapter “GitHub - Advanced” in the Version Control Book.
  2. Implementation: Try out the commands in the chapter! Play around! Have fun!.
  3. Note: Please complete the implementation exercises on the next slide
  4. Quiz: Complete the exercises in the survey.

Ask questions!

Let’s git started!

Implementation Exercises

Task 1: Private collaboration with pull requests (using “GitHub flow”)

  1. Add your partner as a collaborator to your recipes repo
  2. Clone your partner’s repository
  3. Create a new branch in your partner’s repository
  4. Add a recipe to your partner’s recipe.qmd file
  5. Add and commit the changes
  6. Create a Pull Request
  7. Review the PR your partner made in your repository
  8. Merge the PR into your repository

Task 2: Complete the GitHub Quiz

Task 3: Clean up your repo and improve your (optional)

5 Jobs!

Work with us! Research and teaching assistant positions


P1: Version Control Course

Course on Git for researchers

  • Develop “Version Control Book”
  • Maintain project website
  • Create exercises and quizzes
  • Tools: Git, Quarto

P2: Open Educational Resources

Course on OER for researchers

  • Create new course (website)
  • Create new online guide
  • Conducting interviews
  • Tools: Git, Quarto

Project 3: Digital Research Skills

  • Development of course book
  • Development of project website
  • Creating exercises and quizzes
  • Like Git course
  • Tools: Git, Quarto + new tool(s)
    • “Git for data” (DataLad)
    • Software Containers (Docker)


💰 Salary

  • RA: 13.25 € / hour (SHK) / 15.21 € / hour (WHK)
  • TA: 299.04 € / month (SHK) or 467.20 € / month (WHK)

✉️ Contact

Details about project positions

Position 1: Research Assistant for new course on “Digital Research Skills”

  • 📓 Project: Support development of new course on “Digital Research Skills”
  • 📆 Duration: 01.08.2024 - 30.09.2025 (flexible)
  • 🕐 Time: up to 20 hours / month

Position 2: Research Assistant for new course on “Open Educational Materials”

  • 📓 Project: Create course and manual for “Open Educational Materials” with Quarto and Git
  • 📆 Duration: 15.08.2024 - 31.08.2025 (flexible)
  • 🕐 Time: up to 30 hours / month

Position 3: Teaching Assistant for Version Control Course in WS 24/25

  • 📓 Project: Support international virtual “Version Control Course” with Erasmus University Rotterdam
  • 📆 Duration: 14.10.2024 - 01.02.2025 (WS 24/25)
  • 🕐 Time: ~ 2 hours per week

Position 4: Teaching Assistant for “Open Educational Resources” in WS 24/25

  • 📓 Project: Support course at UHH on creating Open Educational Resources with Git and Quarto
  • 📆 Duration: 14.10.2024 - 01.02.2025 (WS 24/25)
  • 🕐 Time: ~ 2 hours per week

Position 5: Teaching Assistant for “Digital Research Skills” in WS 24/25 or SS24

  • 📓 Project: Support teaching new course on “Digital Research Skills”
  • 📆 Duration: 14.10.2024 - 01.02.2025 (WS 24/25) or 07.04.2025 - 19.07.2025 (SS 24)
  • 🕐 Time: ~ 2 hours per week