cli |
pwd |
Displays the path of the current working directory |
cli |
cd <PATH> |
Changes the current working directory to <PATH> |
cli |
cd ~ |
Changes the current working directory to the user’s home directory |
cli |
cd .. |
Moves up one folder |
cli |
cd ../.. |
Moves up two folders |
cli |
clear |
Clears the contents of your command line window |
cli |
ls |
Lists files and folders in the current working directory |
cli |
ls <PATH> |
Lists files and folders in <PATH> |
cli |
ls -a |
Lists all files (including hidden files) in the current working directory |
cli |
ls -alh |
Lists all files in a long format that is easy to read for humans |
cli |
[Command] --help |
Displays all possible flags for a specific command (on Windows) |
cli |
man [Command] |
Displays all possible flags for a specific command (on macOS) |
cli |
mkdir <FOLDER> |
Creates a new folder called <FOLDER> |
cli |
mkdir <FOLDER1> <FOLDER2> |
Creates two separate folders called <FOLDER1> and <FOLDER2> |
cli |
touch <FILE> |
Creates a new empty file called <FILE> |
cli |
open <FILE> |
Opens the file called <FILE> (on macOS) |
cli |
start <FILE> |
Opens the file called <FILE> (on Windows) |
cli |
echo "example text" >> file.txt |
Writes “example text” into file.txt |
cli |
cat <FILE> |
Displays the content of <FILE> |
cli |
mv FILE.txt <FOLDER> |
Move FILE.txt into <FOLDER> |
cli |
Renames <FOLDER_OLD> to <FOLDER_NEW> |
cli |
ls -alh *.csv |
Uses a wildcard to list all .csv files in the current working directory |
cli |
rm -r <FOLDER> |
Removes the folder <FOLDER> |
cli |
history |
Display the command history of the current terminal session |
cli |
history > history.txt |
Saves the entire command history to a file named history.txt (overwrites existing content in history.txt ) |
cli |
history >> history.txt |
Adds the entire command history to the end of the file named history.txt |
cli |
tree |
Displays a graphical representation of the directory structure |
cli |
wget <URL> |
Downloads a file from the specified to the current directory |
config |
git config |
Get an overview of Git config commands |
config |
git config --global "" |
Sets Git username |
config |
git config --global "" |
Sets Git email address |
config |
git config --global core.editor "editorname" |
Sets Git text editor |
config |
git config --global init.defaultBranch main |
Sets default branch name to main |
config |
git config --list |
Views set Git configurations |
basic |
git init |
Initializes a folder as a Git repository |
basic |
git status |
Shows Git tracking status of files in the repository |
basic |
git add |
Adds file(s) to the staging area |
basic |
git commit |
Commits staged files |
basic |
git commit -m "commit message" |
Commits staged files with a commit message |
essentials |
git log |
Views past commits |
essentials |
git diff |
Views made changes compared to the last commit |
essentials |
git mv |
Renames or moves files and automatically stages the changes |
remote_intro |
git remote |
Manages remote repositories |
remote_intro |
git clone |
Creates a local copy of a repository |
remote_intro |
git pull |
Fetches and merges the latest changes from a remote repository into the current branch |
remote_intro |
git fetch |
Updates remote tracking branches |
remote_intro |
git push |
Uploads local commits to a remote repository |
github_advanced |
git blame |
Shows the authorship and commit information of each line in a file |
branches |
git branch |
Lists / creates and deletes branches |
branches |
git branch feature |
Creates the feature branch |
branches |
git branch -d feature |
Deletes the feature branch |
branches |
git switch |
Switches between branches |
branches |
git switch feature |
Switches to the feature branch |
branches |
git checkout |
Switches between branches |
branches |
git checkout -b feature |
Creates and switches to the feature branch |
branches |
git merge |
Merges branches |
branches |
git merge feature |
Merges the feature branch into the current branch |
branches |
git merge --abort |
Aborts a merge |
branches |
git merge --squash |
Squaches commits on branch into a single commit and merge |
branches |
git stash |
Stashes changes for later use |
branches |
git stash -m "stashing message" |
Stashes changes and includes a message |
branches |
git stash list |
Shows stored stashes |
branches |
git stash apply |
Applies the latest stash |
branches |
git stash apply stash@{n} |
Applies a specific stash |
branches |
git stash pop |
Applies the latest stash and removes it from stash list |
branches |
git stash pop stash@{n} |
Applies a specific stash and removes it from stash list |
branches |
git cherry-pick <commithash> |
Applies changes from <commithash> |
branches |
git rebase |
Different way of integrating changes from two branches |
Tags and Releases |
git tag |
Lists all tags |
Tags and Releases |
git tag v1.0 |
Creates a tag on the basis of your current commit named v1.0 |
Tags and Releases |
git tag v1.1 <commit-hash> |
Creates a tag on the basis of a specific commit hash named v1.1 |
Tags and Releases |
git tag -a v1.0 -m "Release version 1.0" |
Creates an annotated tag on the basis of your current commit hash named v1.0 with the tagging message Release version 1.0 |
Tags and Releases |
git push origin <tag-name> |
Pushes a specific tag to remote |
Tags and Releases |
git push origin --tags |
Pushes all created tags to remote |
Tags and Releases |
git fetch --tags |
Fetches all created tags from remote |
Tags and Releases |
git pull --tags |
Pulls all created tags from remote |
rewriting_history |
git restore <FILE> |
Reverts <FILE> back to the state of your last commit |
rewriting_history |
git restore . |
Reverts all files in your repository back to the state of your last commit |
rewriting_history |
git restore --staged <FILE> |
Removes <FILE> from your staging area |
rewriting_history |
git restore --staged . |
Removes all files in your repository from your staging area |
rewriting_history |
git rm <FILE> |
Deletes <FILE> from your repository |
rewriting_history |
git rm --cached <FILE> |
Removes <FILE> from your repository but keeps <FILE> on your system |
rewriting_history |
git revert <commithash> |
Creates a new commit which reverts your repository back to <commithash> |
rewriting_history |
git reflog |
Logs recent branch changes |
rewriting_history |
git reset <commithash> |
Resets the branch to a specified commit, keeping changes in the working directory |
rewriting_history |
git reset --hard <commithash> |
Resets the branch to a specified commit |
rewriting_history |
git clean |
Deletes untracked files from your directory |
rewriting_history |
git filter-repo --invert-paths --path < PATH-TO-FILE-YOU-WANT-TO-REMOVE > |
Remove specified file from your repository history |
rewriting_history |
brew install git-filter-repo |
Installs git filter-repo using brew |