
Have you used the Version Control Book in a course?

Have you used this online guide as a learning resource for your course? We would love to hear from you! Let us know via email, open a new issue or create a pull request that is editing the content of this site and let us know about your course!

Here is a list of courses that have used this online book as a learning resource:

Course Name Number of Participants Target Audience Date Location Website
Effective Progress Tracking and Collaboration: An Introduction to Version Control of Code and Data 6 Master + PhD students Winter semester 23/24 Universität Hamburg
Track, organize and share your work: An introduction to Git for psychological research 24 Master Students Summer semester 24 Universität Hamburg
Track, organize and share your work: An introduction to Git for research 9 Research staff 2024-06-21 Max Planck Institute for Human Development Berlin